Be better connected with your Samoan heritage.
101 Purpose
A Samoan Cultural Leadership Programme that focuses on respectful engagement practices with Samoan people whether it’s on a one to one basis or with groups of people. This programme is suitable for people who have no or a little knowledge of the Samoan culture and language and who want to feel more comfortable when engaging with Samoan people in formal and informal situations.
For our students, this programme will enable them to engage more effectively with Samoan families and stakeholders when speaking at different engagements.
95% of this programme is taught in English so our students understand the beauty and richness of our Samoan culture.
What Our Students Have to Say
- Tafa Johnson 6/15/2020I am a full blooded Samoan. My husband is African American and we have two daughters. They were always curious about the hows and whys of our culture and I would tell them about the usual day to day stuff but I couldn't explain the deep stuff. In His Greatness, God used Reupena Tanoa'i during this pandemic to do online sessions which made it easier for my family and I to participate. Tanoa'i used common language to enlightened them as well as myself on most of the hows and whys of our culture. The deep and above my knowledge stuff. I highly recommend this class to ANYONE of any race who is curious to know the Samoan culture, but especially to those with Samoan blood who wants to rebuild and strengthen their relationship with their inner self. This is something that you will never look back on and say you regret moreread lessMabel Fiu Vaigafā 4/23/2018S/o to the tutorz Asiava & Tanoa'i and th crew frm Auck!! Taeao Tautua here in Bris for organising and supporting us!! Faafetai Lava! I was in Vasega #6 Brisbane AU, and what a week!! This course has given me a greater respect and appreciation for our culture, traditions and especially my family (parents). This experience has opened my heart and mind to the beauty of our customs and traditions in a way I never thought I would see. Growing up my parents enforced the aganuu and faa-Samoa way in our family and even through church, but for me, it was just another chore, just something I had to do coz my parents said to. As a teenager, I couldn't comprehend it and didn't understand why it was so important. The unique thing about this class is that we're all nz/aus born even the tutors, which is why it was so easy to relate, everything is translated in english as well. I would definitely recommend the Aganuu Faasamoa 101 course to anyone, beginners and all, coz just like Vasega 6, we went FROM PLASTIC TO FANTASTIC!! Cheeeehooo!! #SamoaMoSamoa #PayingItForward #ProudSamoan ���read moreread lessVaoafi Hart 4/22/2018I’m afakasi and I don’t know much about my culture. This course provided me a safe place to practice and understand the beautiful values, traditions and customs being a Samoan. I’ve so humbled being able to reconnect with my culture. The teachers break it down for you and provide a positive environment to learn. The media/music team provide reflection thought and spiritual connection to the course. Your classmates are in the same boat and support you through it and become your family. The pass students guide you through your journey. And lastly, your family are are so overwhelmed with emotional to see you give it a go. “When you give everything you have nothing to lose”. It’s the most rewarding thing I have done in my life. I can’t thank you enough�.read moreread lessTrenda Sylva 7/29/2017From the first moment in seeing the FB posts, I've felt that I need to be in this class. And yet, even when I discovered that Aganu'u Fa'asamoa 101 was coming to Hawaii, I almost missed it. I can never repay the gift you've given me and my family of our heritage! I had absolutely no idea that the missing hole of my identity, soul, and pride was always right before me - I just didn't understand it. The words - the Samoan language and much more than that our Samoan culture. Tanoa'i, Kalala, and staff create a safe place to start our journey and help explain what no other class, book, seminar, etc...has been able to build the fire in me of who I am and will always be - a Samoan. I highly endorse this movement and if you should have the opportunity to attend? Take it! You will not ever regret it!read moreread less
- Carol Baum 7/26/2017I lived in Samoa for 13 years in the villages of Vailoa and Taputimu. My Dad, Aiulu Manu Sr. was an active member in the village and to what I understand he would be next in line to the Matai title of the village of Vailoa. My dad never spoke Samoan to any of us (there are 11 of us!). He was very very proud of his taro plantation which we (us kids) thought was just another chore for us to deal with. He'd always say "after school, come straight home and go to the plantation and pull weeds". What the...but you'd find some of us in that plantation pulling those weeds. We were forced to participate in the Lotu Tamaiti (White Sunday) at the LMS church. We'd memorize and recite the scriptures but didn't understand a word of it. Dad would send some of us to Aoga Samoa. We didn't really show any interest because all of it was taught in Samoan. I remember the teacher with her yard stick, tapping the table at a fast rate as the students recite the multiplication table in Samoan (FA, FA TASI FA, FA LUA VALU, FA TOLU SEFULU LUA etc...) and the teacher was tapping at a fast beat!! I also remember taking a sewing class. The girls were taught to do some embroidery work on a pillow case?! As I sit thru this Aganu'u Fa'asamoa class, memories and understandings started to come to mind. I'm starting to understand why my dad had us kids scramble when people would come over and how he'd have us make coffee/food for these people. I thought he was just being a show off to be honest. There's always a reason. It's the fa'amalo ma tali ese'ese. I remember being at my auntys' (dads' sister) funeral, I didn't understand why is she out in this huge faleo'o (that's what I thought it was called) in her casket and why are all these people coming in and out at all hours of the day/night. I've seen the fine mats, the paelos, yards and yards of material, and envelopes brought to her family from these people who sat out in the yard outside this faleo'o. I hear and see a guy out by the main road yelling his lungs off for what reason?? Well, I know now it's a folafola sua and the meaning of it. I feel like I missed out on the meaning of Fa'asamoa back in Samoa but that was due to my ignorance. I should of taken advantage of the Samoan Language Arts class back at Leone High School. I should of showed more interest to Aoga Samoa. I should of asked dad those many questions when I had the chance. Even tho dad was a chief of the village, my siblings and I were never involved in the matai system. I'm sure dad would be very proud of me as I finally show interest in my Samoan heritage with an understanding of its meaning.. Aganu'u Fa'asamoa, malo le galue malo le onosa' moreread lessSemeatu Malaga 7/22/2017Talofa! I was in Aganu'u Fa'asamoa 101 Seattle/Tacoma, USA Class 1st of I'd like to thank our Heavenly Father for everything because he made it happen for me to attend the AF101 class! 2nd A BIGG Fa'afetai to Afioga Tanoai, Tofa Apulu & the rest of the AF101 Team (Autagavaia, Faiumu, Areta, Kisa & Noma)!!! Also BIGG Fa'afetai to Hale & his team for bringing the AF101 to Merica. Born in America Samoa Mesepa, American Samoa 1988-2000 Utah,USA 2000-Now I encourage every Samoans & Non-Samoans to take this class if u want to know an understand more about who & what a Samoan is!?! We have many friends that aren't Samoan that would love to understand y we love so freely n y we give so easily n y we do things the way we do! It's the Fa'asamoa way of life! I learnt so much in one week I walk away with so much more work to do as a Samoan living in the USA. They teach u with love n passion! Now I know y my grandparents n parents do things the way they do! Now I can do all the feaus n chorus at the fa'alavelaves n enjoy it. Because now I know I understand I have the knowledge now. so to that fiapoko Nty (NO DIS TIME!��)jk jk jk GANG I encourage u all to take up this AF101 program. U will walk away with so much knowledge n all positive things. But above all love & appreciation about our Samoan Culture! I LOVE U SAMOA HOPE TO SEE U SOON!!! Love to all my AF101 AIGA!!!read moreread lessVaelei Kuini Molioo-Wooching 7/17/2017Faafetai Afioga Tanoai, Tofa Apulu and AF101 Team for awesome job! From a parent of a student that attended AF101 in Seattle/Tacoma, it was an enlightening program of how it is taught. The tutors delivered it with love and passion that the students, our kids have come to realize and appreciate our Samoan culture and understand why we do things the way we do it. As a parent, it was an eye opening to listen to participants' testimonies, their cry of doing all 'feaus' and chores at 'faalavelaves' just because they were told to do so but didn't make any sense to them. If you are a Samoan living away from our islands of Samoa and is keen to learn your culture, I encourage you to take up this program. You will loose nothing but come away with wealth of knowledge and appreciation of our Samoan culture. Faamalo fai o le faiva Afioga Tanoai ma le utaga sasaa i lau Tofa Apulu. Faafetai le ALOFA! Ua le ole lea!read moreread lessMelisa Pese 7/17/2017Fa'afetai Aganu'u Fa'asamoa 101, ua taumasuasua la'u ipu i lou alofa ma lou agalelei. My kids and I just graduated Aganu'u Fa'asamoa 101 Seattle/Tacoma Vasega 1. My kids are exposed to the Samoan language and feau but not the culture. They love their experience. My son would sing his valaau i le laulau and folafola sua to anyone who would listen. My daughter is reading in Samoan. I'm a super proud mom. Fa'afetai tele lava Aganu'u Fa'asamoa. #PAYITFORWARDread moreread lessMane T. Tuiaana 7/14/2017I really want to say thank you to the Aganu'u Fa'asamoa 101 team. Because of this course, I have regained my inheritance and I am forever grateful. Just within the first few days I have learned more about my culture then I have learned in the last 26 years of my life. Thank you to our instructors all the way from � New Zealand, Apulu and Tanoa'i for this humbling experience. And thank you to Hale, Hope and the family for working so hard to bring the Aganu'u Fa'asamoa class here to the U.S.! There is no amount of money that could ever repay you for all the time and sacrifices that you all have made! God is truly the core of this program and I can't wait to see all of these seeds grow and blossom!read moreread lessIsabel Tuiaana 7/13/2017Love that this class is here in the states and just being able to be apart of an amazing program is a blessing in itself. The instructors and team members from New Zealand has really opened my eyes to understanding our culture and the importance of who we are as Samoans. We have a responsibility to keep our traditions alive and to pass it on to our younger generation. We owe it to our parents, grandparents and ancestors. Much love and respect to the people who made this all possible and especially to our instructors and team members from New Zealand who traveled all this way and sacrificed their time to be here. #aganu'usamoa101read moreread less
- Lelei Moon 7/12/2017Great knowledge, understanding and very humbling experience. We know who we are and this helps explain how, what especially the WHY we do what we do. Awesome supportive staff and safe place to learn. Very mind blowing to get in depth information that would've taken years has now been made available for our current generation. Please take this class these are rare teachings carefully selected to preserve our culture tge Fa' moreread lessRosina Paulo Siasaga 6/13/2017Safe, non judgmental learning environment. The break down and level of understanding Tanoai and Apulu give of our rich culture and history in 6 days is second to none. Id recommend anyone who is the slightest bit keen to understand their Samoan roots to take heart and to jump in. The love, respect, understanding and appreciation I've gained for my Samoan culture is priceless. Thank you. moreread lessSetz Manase 5/16/2017God's grace and favour is upon this group of talented leaders and programme. An enriching experience with my family and fellow New Zealand born/raised Samoans. Very proud of my husband and son and all the other students who completed this course. A wonderful way to reconnect with a culture I struggled to understand for most of my life. Don't be that 'samoan' that remains in the shadows. Come to the light. Join the revolution! SAMOA MO SAMOA. PRAISE BE TO GOD. AMENEread moreread lessSmpfuala'au Paitomaleifi 3/22/2017My favourate of aganuu is "AVA"cos I am "Masuisuiolemalietoa"my matupalapala and my igagato ,to travel around da world with free wings. Mean,"ava ale Masuisuialemalietoa ,moko le agatonu makiva le fau papau le Tanoa..malie maia Lou loko,UA e kuai mai ,,hahaha ����read moreread less
- Seth Nagicu 3/03/2017First of all I'd like to thank the Almighty God for this wonderful program that helps our Samoan brothers and sisterhood around the world to no there culture. Am so proud, on behalf of my Fijian friend to be the first Fijian to attend and learn the Samoan culture. Our prayers goes out to awesome facilitate and their family. Vinakavakalevu it awesome what God has to provide to all the pacific Islanders , moreread lessTasi Feite 2/22/2017ENLIGHTENING & EMPOWERING!!! A MUST DO for anyone wanting to know more about Fa'asamoa. Thank you to Whanau Manaaki and Epiphany Trust for bringing Aganu’u Fa’asamoa to Wellington. My sister and I were registered for vasega 3 but due to an Uncle passing away we were unable to attend. We decided to register for the next class, vasega 4. When the time came to register I was hesitant in that I knew nothing about the traditions, the fa’asamoa structure/hierarchy, the formal part of the Samoan way of life. Going to Aganu’u Fa’asamoa is one the best decisions I’ve ever made. The learning Environment is safe and it was okay to make mistakes, the support from staff, the Tutors and past students unconditional and given with a generous Heart. Thank you to the Whanau Manaaki team, the past Vasega, lau Afioga Tanoa’I, lau Fetalaiga Tanuvasa, lau Fatalaiga? Apulu and Matt. A special thanks to my Niece Nane, to my Wife and Sister for attending as well and, to the VASEGA 4 family! See you at Lavalava Samoa! Malo le foe, Malo le folau manuia. 🙂read moreread lessChris Sio 2/15/2017Just awesome - I have been wandering through life with no knowledge of my heritage and culture - a proud proud Samoan I am resolute that I will with self help and that of others gathering around me that I will be able to teach my children all I have not known. Very grateful for thisread moreread lessJohn T Maea 1/31/2017Day 1 I was there expecting a miracle from God knowing my Faasamoa would improve a little more from my basic understanding and could only put 3 words together By Day 5 I learnt that a miracle from God is more than understanding and speaking more than 3 words but it's knowing who I am and that to be a Samoan is not like a jacket that you just wear when you feel like it but being a Samoan is a lifestyle and a beautiful gift to be proud off and when non Samoans meet me, that is my opportunity to show them how Samoans roll. AF 101 laid strengthened my foundation in 5 days now I must continue to build my fale so others can experience our beautiful culture Fa'afetai I Le Atua Malo Le foe. Malo Le folau Manuiaread moreread less
- Fetū Kalepo Overend 1/28/2017Talofa lava� First of all I'd like to Thank You Jesus!! Thank you for giving me the courage & the strength to attend this AF101 course. On the 1st day I was SO nervous. Apart from the clips I'd watched on this page, I didn't know what to expect. I was that nervous I made my sister accompany me - threatened her even lol (in my fa'ali'i tone) I told her I wouldn't go if she didn't come with�� As it turned out, I didn't need her as a security blanket� The tutors were very welcoming, encouraging & they made everybody feel at ease & made us not feel like vale's. Those of us who attended were more or less all on the same boat. A couple of the students didn't even know/speak the Samoan language, yet they were there to learn what they could about the aganu'u. Everybody had a story to tell & it was wonderful to hear & share our stories with each other. Signing up for this course was definitely one of the best things I've done this year. Ever!Selfishly I wish the course was longer than 6 days� For me personally, I have taken away from this a better knowledge of why our people do what they do. The Mau movement & a better ME! Learnt heaps of stuff!� I've also found new family members. Family I know I will stay connected with because we all have this in common. Our culture is really quite beautiful & unique! I URGE everybody (Samoa/non-Samoan) who wants to know/learn more about the aganu'u fa'asamoa please do this course! You won't regret it� I can go on & on about the beauty of this course but I won't. You can find out more for yourself. Much alofa's & respect Fetūao Kalepo Overend "A bird flies over the ocean, but it always returns to the nest"read moreread lessAndrew Faletanoai 11/02/2016A great opportunity to learn and understand our beautiful culture. Being an NZ born Samoan I was hesitant to join due to my lack of knowledge in our language. But it wasn't until I gave it a chance I have not looked back. Only regret I had was I wish I had done it sooner. It is never to late to learn our heritage. Be proud of who we are. Samoa mo Samoa! Thank you Apulu and Tanoai for paying it forward. Viia le Atuaread moreread lessEd Tuitapa 10/05/2016So happy I started my own journey with Aganu'u, I was always the guy who left the hall when Fa'asamoa things started at Weddings/Funerals! But now I can stay in the hall and understand everything that's going on! I still have a long way to go with my journey and still have so much to learn but at least I'm on my way..Thank you to Tanoai and Apulu for being very helpful to me and all the vasega classes in the super rugby championship city! We really do appreciate all your ongoing support! This is a must do course if you want your samoan culture back in your life..If not you will die wandering..what moreread lessLimu Malu 7/04/2016This program I will forever be grateful for thank you Tanoai, Mary, Kisa and Matt for capturing our journey! it was a wake up call but mostly something I truly needed! Thank you for being the link back to our parents to continue to bring back our culture as it was! #samoamosamoaread moreread lessLawrence Mauga 7/02/2016Absolutely the best cultural education I have received in my life. They teach this course in english and is specific to NZ/Aust born Samoans!! If you know nothing or very little about Samoan culture but want more, contact Aganuu 101... Its the BEST!! Love you guys for life!!read moreread less
- Ioelu N Viliamu 6/16/2016Forever grateful to Kalala,Tanoai,Kisa & team for taking time to share their knowledge & Passion for our Aganu'u,your commitment to our Aganu'u is second to none. No matter what the haters say,the Aganu'u 101 team has been a blessing to me & especially my family. Sincerest Thanks Tagaloatele Ioelu moreread less

Tanoa'i Tai'i Alofipo Reupena Michael Tanoa'i & Kisa Manuo Tanoa'i — Programme Founders
101 Movement Brief
The 101 Movement (Formerly known as Aganu’u Fa’asamoa 101) program was first conceived and developed in 2014 by Tanoa'i and his wife Kisa with a focus on helping Samoan’s born or raised outside of Samoa become better connected with their Samoan heritage. In short this is a Samoan Cultural Identity / Language Program that has up to 30 topics that includes tutorial video’s, audio’s and ebooks available once you subscribe. Tanoa'i has been blessed to have shared this programme with over 4000 students around the world.